[EST 2019]

RKG Video Founders

RKG’s Story

Rory, Krupa, and Gav worked together at IGN for many years, producing award-winning games and entertainment features.

In January 2019, due to the popularity of their long-form Let’s Play series Prepare To Try, the three left to create RKG – an independent production company supported directly by their audience.


Gav Murphy

Gav Murphy

Video and Podcast host and producer, Gav’s years of work can be found on IGN, Mashable, MTV, AskMen, CityAM, Vice, Sky News, BBC (Wales), and more. You’ll probably just bump into him at the pub, though.

Daniel Krupa

Daniel Krupa

Former UK Managing Editor with over seven years experience at IGN, Krupa has worked as a writer, producer, and presenter. His work has featured on the BBC, The Guardian, Sky TV, and on his mum’s fridge.

Rory Powers

Rory Powers

Since studying Film and Video at University, Rory’s spent years in the games industry as a video editor, podcast producer and show host, making content that many people have described as ‘fine’.